In one of most controversial topics of our times, It may be awkward to say Education is doing us a disservice when we very well know it has taught us things we could have learnt no other way.
Education is noble and priceless. It is that which remains long after what one is taught in class is gone. It has been a defensive mechanism to poverty and the best path to self-discovery. It is also undeniable that Education has promoted peaceful co-existence of people through raised self-awareness, critical thinking, vigorous reasoning and wise approach towards solving disputes.
However, in the pursuit of education, our ethics, rich heritage and distinctive way of life have been deliberately neglected and downtrodden. Maa way of life is broadly known and cherished all over the world. In fact it has gone to an extend of popularizing Kenya in the world. The culture we have today is thin after going through unnecessary logical metamorphosis. Isn’t it possible to be educated without altering our culture and morals? Our tribesmen thinks, to be truly educated, they avoid mother tongue and teach their Kids Swahili and English. We eventually end up with a morally-bankrupt society with no idea of its origin.
The Society is growing, becoming intellectual giants yet culturally debased. Youngsters lucky to be knowing mother-tongue thinks that is all, which is not wholly so. The original duties for boys and girls are left to hirelings all because “our children are educated” and even if they try, they totally do not know. What really is happening to our very own way of life that have actually been externally validated.
In my magnum opus and pages that bear black ink birthmarks, I put it across that Morality may not be legislated but behavior Can be regulated. If we do not protect and adore it, no one will do it for us. Other ethnic groups are emulating and practicing it to their benefit. “…kamaa enkaji naarita enopeny kang’ae nemeya oreitai?”
According to me it’s a no despite the western cultures brought by education but most of the people opt to embrace Thier culture 💪