When it’s time for students to close the school and travel home, there is usually an aura of excitement among the students. They unusually wake up early and pester teachers to release them as early as possible.
When the holiday is over, they will likewise leave home early but arrive in school just before the deadline or shortly before. Indeed some even prefer to strategically assemble a few meters away from the school gate so that they can dramatically arrive in school just on time.
Some teachers have attributed this behavior to “school hate”. Well maybe maybe not.
Methinks most youngsters just yearn for “irresponsible freedom”.
However, the same students released at the earliest time possible take the longest of time to arrive in their homes. You will see them loiter in market areas or they just huddle together in groups and engage in aimless conversations while cladded in improperly tied neck ties and untucked shirts.
Any time you meet students in markets during opening or closing days pose a question to them; “Why are you not in a hurry to go to school or home?”
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