Kajiado Leaders Must Empower Women From Kajiado and Value Their Diversity – By Angela Lapasi Ketente

On the nomination issue in Kajiado County, Kajiado County leaders must empower their own women and expand their choices. They must respect and value the diversity of women. We must recognize that some women face additional barriers to equality because of their ethnicity, political alignments, failure by the leaders to render maximum support towards providing opportunities among others.

Kajiado Leaders Must Empower Women From Kajiado and Value Their Diversity, Kajiado TV

Photo: Angela Lapasi Ketente, (Manager MKCDP and Women Leadership Advocate)

Women are unavoidably only the bridge between generations, and what we accomplish for ourselves today are only the foundation upon which future generations of women and men will build. Dishing out Kajiado County women nominations slots to intruders/outsiders leaving our own able women is a form of discrimination, ignorance and inequality by our own. Where were our leaders when this happened? Are they part and parcel of the unscrupulous deals denying our own women leadership opportunities? For how long will this be tolerated? In the world outside there, we are ignored, we are invisible, we are not important.

We’ve got to change these attitudes toward us smilingly, if necessary, angrily if necessary, and aggressively if necessary. Otherwise, there will be no such thing as true equality.

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